Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52: Self-Portrait No. 1

Self-portraits, I want to do them not-quite-monthly if I can. They are tricky, but appease my vanity.

I've been swimming for nearly 22 years. It was something I was bad at originally - I feigned illness in 4th grade to get out of swim class. Kids laughed at me because I was afraid of the water. That was a year when kids laughed at me for all sorts of reasons. So in 5th grade I joined (was compelled to join by wise parents) a swim team. By 6th grade I was the best in the class. In 7th grade I was the only one in the class to earn a varsity letter in any sport. In 12th grade I was undefeated in my premiere event. So it became tightly bound up with my pride.

It still brings out the best parts of me. I couldn't really live without it.

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