Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 47: Minor Mass

Today's photo is the first from my iPhone as opposed to the D3000, on account of my having left the good camera at home during the concert I went to.

The afternoon consisted of launching Operation: Die you fucking cockroach, die! in my apartment; I haven't seen any for a couple days but with the many baits now strewn about, if my home becomes the epicenter of the building's roachocaust, well, call me a goddamned hero.

From there I was off to Carnegie Hall for a fundraiser for Médecins sans Frontières, at which the Ensemble médical unsheathed its scalpel and ruthlessly murdered Bach's B minor Mass. Inconsistent at best, and full of poor interpretational choices on the part of the conductor in particular. Nevertheless, Bach is better than no Bach, even when the ensemble can't quite hack it.

I am in an even worse place today than I have been the rest of the week.

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